Bubble Theory

Jessica Prado Hanson
7 min readOct 30, 2018

By Jessica Prado Hanson

Bubble theory is something so simple on the surface but the deeper I go within it the more I am amazed how this also fits into so many more complex views of the mind and our emotional health which is one reason why I am so excited to share a theory that has helped me deal with some very severe trauma (rape and abuse) that led to me having complex PTSD and now, multiple sclerosis. I knew I had to get my shit together really quickly or just try and kill myself again. Luckily I chose to skip the suicide attempts this time since I had failed so many times before I gave up on that idea when I survived stabbing myself. I decided to really do the work on myself and figure out what I need to emotionally cope with this pile of crap that used to be my life before the hurricane of life chewed me up and spit it back at me.

So this all started one late night hanging out with my brother who was describing to me how he was working in a warehouse on a forklift and he was able to go around into other peoples little worlds and he sees how everyone has a different that they see the world through little world.



Jessica Prado Hanson

Artist Sharing the Deeper Truths of What I Survived and How I Learned Post Traumatic Growth to Find Sustainable Self-Transcendence to Thrive